About Us
The museum was born in 1980...
The Glacier County Historical Society has been in existence for almost forty years.
The Glacier County Historical Society is dedicated to collecting preserving, and presenting to the public the history of Glacier County through exhibits and public programing, which are creative, stimulating, interactive, and educational; thus providing visitors and residents of the Glacier County area with an appreciation of their heritage and the value of its preservation.
We are funded in part by coal severance taxes paid based upon coal mined in Montana and deposited in Montana’s cultural and aesthetic projects trust fund.

The Glacier County Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization which oversees the Glacier County Historical Museum, incorporated in 1980.
The Society is run by a 9-member Board of Directors made up of interested people from the area and, according to our original bylaws, one member of the County Commission. The Board employs one director to oversee all programming and operations.
In 2015, the museum had the opportunity to hire a Collections Coordinator position to oversee the expansive museum collection.
Since the initial agreement between the Board and County Commissioners in 1980, the County has contributed funding to the museum via mill levies and other funds. Between 2014-2016, much of this funding went to the capital project of the Collections Care Center. This building has been invaluable for properly storing the artifacts given by generous donors over the last almost forty years.
In 2019, the funding from the County has been decreased to a percentage of the mill levies, forcing the museum to re-brand itself and focus on developing new and innovative ways to bring in regular revenue. See ‘News’ for more information.